Satellite Showcases are an awesome opportunity to share your music with the whole galaxy!
Satellite Showcases are an awesome opportunity to share your music with the whole galaxy! 〰️
Do you or your child dream of having their own YouTube channel?
Our Satellite Showcases are the perfect opportunity for performers to explore the craft of making video content.
Upcoming Satellite Showcase will stream live on Sunday, June 22nd at 2pm.
Video Submissions are due Saturday, June 7th by midnight.
How To Participate:
The Satellite Showcases are open to all ages & skill levels! Students may choose their own song, however, we ask that song choice & videos are family-friendly so everyone can enjoy the show. Video performances can be a simple cell phone recording, a full blown music video, or anywhere in between. If you would like to record in the music school during your lesson, please consult directly with your instructor. If you aren't sure you are ready to participate, please consult directly with your instructor. If you are not ready, don't fret! OOTWMS has a performance opportunity every 3 months.
To participate, students must submit a video performance to lessons@outofthisworldmusicschool.com no later than midnight on June 7th. Please mark your calendars, no late submissions will be accepted. If you will be travelling for fall break, please consider recording and submitting your video before the break.
The following are the only formats are accepted - Google Drive links, OneDrive Links, YouTube links, and zipped files. Videos submitted with the wrong format will not be accepted and must be re-submitted before the due date. If you have a question about video formatting, please email lessons@outofthisworldmusicschool.com
We encourage everyone to tune in and comment along the way to show support to performers. Once the live stream has ended, the showcase will remain available to watch at your convenience. If this is your first showcase and you need inspiration, we invite you to watch our previous virtual showcases at:
Hit subscribe to be notified when we go live!
Tips & Suggestions:
Quiet on set! Remember that microphones can pick up sounds like ceiling fans, appliances, and even AC. If possible, choose a quiet place to record your performance. For the best audio outcome when playing along to a track, please send the audio recording of the performance and the track separately. The performer should wear earbuds or headphones while performing so that the recording device only picks up their performance audio. If you find that you are hearing unwanted sounds on your track, try turning the AC/heat off, turning ceiling fans and appliances off.
Lights! Cameras love light. Adding as much light as you can to your set will yield the best visual results. Remember, the camera is your audience. Consider giving your fans a quick intro before your performance and taking a bow after your song!
Camera! When using a hand held device, be mindful of both movement and sound interference. To avoid this, place your recording device in a secure position like a tripod/selfie stick/mount/etc. The microphones on these devices are quite sensitive and even the slightest movement or hand shifting can create loud pops/noises. If you are using a cell phone, please be aware that videos will be streamed in landscape. If you submit a video in portrait, it will be smaller in order to fit the screen.
Action! Have fun and get creative! Personalize your music video with a special backdrop, costume, props, pets, or even have your friends/family join in as extras on your set.
Applause! Tune in to the live stream and enjoy the many congratulations from your fans! Also, be a great audience member and leave positive comments for your fellow musicians.