Enrollment Policy
Out of this World Music School is committed to providing an excellent musical education experience for our students as well as providing an excellent work experience for our staff. With this in mind, please review our policy and agree to its terms before proceeding to enrollment. Please note that tuition is not refundable.
30 Min/Week - $140/month
45 min/Week - $210/month
60 min/Week - $280/month
All active student accounts must have a valid payment method on file. Tuition will be automatically drafted on the first of each month. Tuition reserves a specific time each week with an instructor in a specific room. This means that your instructor and the teaching room are not available for use during your time and your instructor has prepared a specific lesson just for you in advance. With this in mind, instructors are guaranteed payment for every scheduled lesson. There are no refunds or tuition credits for missed lessons. OOTWMS provides lessons year-round and students are welcome to enroll at any time. Students who enroll mid-month will have their first month's tuition prorated. After the first month, no tuition adjustments, prorations, or make-up credits will be issued for lessons that fall on a scheduled school closure. A $15 late fee will be assessed for accounts overdue on the 8th.
Attendance is crucial to student success. Students should make every effort to attend their scheduled lessons, even if they must convert to virtual due to illness, weather, transportation, etc. Students should never cancel because they have yet to practice. Late arrivals will not have their lesson time extended as instructors are scheduled with back-to-back lessons. 24 hours' notice or more is required to receive a banked make-up credit for a canceled lesson. Availability to schedule banked lessons is generated by student cancellations and appears on the calendar as it becomes available. Please note that you must be logged in as the student to cancel an upcoming lesson, view upcoming make-up openings, and restore banked lessons. Make-up credits may not be used to lessen tuition costs/ for recurring lessons and are a courtesy for enrolled students only. Make-up credits are non-transferrable and expire 60 days after their issue date.
The calendar is arranged so that students receive an average of 4 lessons per month. Occasionally, a student will have a month with either 3 or 5 lessons; tuition will remain the same each month. OOTWMS does not follow a particular ISD schedule and does not close for every holiday. Typical holiday closures include the week of Spring Break, the week of July 4th, Halloween, the week of Thanksgiving, and the week of Christmas and New Year. Our calendar is always available on our website and in our lobby.
Instructor Absence
If your instructor requests off, calls in sick, etc. lessons may be substituted with one of our available staff members. As much notice as possible will be given in these circumstances. Instructors who generate several banked lessons due to their absence will add one or more special make-up days to accommodate those extra lessons.
Virtual Lessons
Lessons may be moved online without penalty. In the case of inclement weather, road closure, a student or teacher emergency requiring unexpected travel, a student or teacher illness, or car trouble, lessons will be moved online. Students are also welcome to remain enrolled in virtual lessons indefinitely.
Changing Instructors/Subjects
Should the student wish to try a new instrument/subject, please check with your instructor as many of our staff teach several instruments/subjects. If the student chooses to change instructors, we ask that a two-week courtesy notice be given to your current instructor.
Withdrawal from Lessons
Enrollment will automatically renew on the 16th for the following month unless a withdrawal form is submitted appropriately. To withdraw from lessons, you must submit a withdrawal form which is available at the reception desk or may be provided virtually upon request. Students or parents/guardians must submit a withdrawal form by the 15th to meet the deadline for the next billing cycle. If the withdrawal form is submitted after the 15th, the student is financially obligated to the next month, regardless of attendance. Informing your instructor about your intent to withdraw is appreciated as a courtesy, however, it does not constitute a withdrawal or remove the student from lessons/billing. If students decide not to attend the remaining lessons after submitting their withdrawal form, the lessons will be forfeited. There will be no refunds or transfer of credit to another student. For your convenience, the withdrawal form can be accessed online here - Withdrawal Form
Student Showcases
Annual Student Showcase Schedule:
Spring Cosmic Concert: In-Person; March
Summer Satellite Showcase: Virtual; June
Fall Cosmic Concert: In-Person; September
Winter Satellite Showcase: Virtual; December
Participation is encouraged but not required. Details regarding eligibility, rules, and deadlines are sent via email in the quarterly newsletter. The newsletter can also be found in our lobby and on our website.
In-person Cosmic Concerts are held on Sundays at Hanover's in Pflugerville where students have the opportunity to perform on a real stage at a local venue.
Virtual Satellite Showcases are streamed live on our YouTube page. Students prepare a video performance or music video and submit it in advance. OOTWMS will occasionally use photos or videos taken during showcases and events for promotional material. If you prefer that images of yourself/your child not be used please inform the administrator upon enrollment.
Care of Minors
OOTWMS staff are not responsible for providing care or supervision before or after class. Parents/caretakers of students under 10 are asked to remain on campus during lessons. Students should be picked up within 10 minutes of the end of their lesson.
Hold Harmless Clause
As the student or legal parent/guardian of the student, I indemnify and hold harmless Out of this World Music School and its owners, managers, employees, and contractors from and against any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury including hearing loss that may be sustained while on the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of any of the Out of this World Music School Parties.
OOTWMS reserves the right to change tuition rates and/or policies at any time.