Students Rock Out Onstage At A Real Local Venue!
Students Rock Out Onstage At A Real Local Venue! 〰️
Fall 2025 Cosmic Concert
“Grab some earplugs, this is not your grandma’s recital!”
-Molly Whiting
The Fall Cosmic Concert is set for Sunday, August 31st, 2025. The concert will be divided into several 90-minute blocks: 12:30-2, 2:30-4, 5-6:30 and 7-8:30. This will be a live, in-person performance and will take place at Hanover’s in Pflugerville. Sign-up will open on July 27th and close on August 2nd. Song choice MUST be declared at the time of sign-up and performances must be 4 minutes or less. Sign-up registration link will be emailed to all eligible students on July 27th at 2 pm. Students must maintain active enrollment from May through August to be eligible to perform. The shows are not divided by age and the earlier shows typically fill first, so young performers are encouraged to get signed up as soon as the window opens. The Spring concert signup was full in less than two days, please set a reminder for yourself and get signed up the day the email goes out if possible.
***Please note that performers MUST remain present for the duration of their concert, no exceptions. Every student deserves a full house applauding their hard work. Concerts are 90 minutes long and are a celebration of music & inspiration. ***
Why Participate:
Our Cosmic Concerts are a wonderful and supportive environment for students to experience the joy of public performance on stage in a local venue. The feeling that students receive when a crowd erupts into applause is unforgettable. It gives each of them validation for their hard work and relief that no one has to be perfect to perform. The inspiration from seeing other students up on stage is contagious and often encourages the best performances this time, and next time around. See you at the show!
How To Participate:
Students should work with their instructor to select a song that best showcases their talents and interests. Song choice is due no later than 4 weeks before the concert, at the time of sign-up. We recommend choosing a song 8-12 weeks in advance to give plenty of time to polish the performance. 6 weeks before the concert date, a link to sign-ups is sent via email. Students and Parents/Caretakers should review the available showtimes and sign up for yourself/your child at your preferred time. Group/Band performances- Please coordinate and choose one slot that works for all of you. If all showtimes are full, please add yourself/your child to the understudy/backup list. The shows are not divided by age and the earlier shows typically fill first, so young performers are encouraged to get signed up as soon as the window opens. Slots are limited and due to the incredible amount of work that goes into making our Cosmic Concerts a magical experience, no late submissions will be accepted.
What To Expect On Concert Day:
Cosmic Concerts are unlike any music school recital you have ever experienced! Our favorite local live music venue, Hanover’s, invites OOTWMS to take over the stage twice a year for a whole day of unforgettable performances. All genres, instruments, and levels of musicianship are welcome and students choose their own performance pieces, creating an incredibly engaging variety show. Students should choose songs that they love playing - this is YOUR big day! Performers are encouraged to have fun and make their performances their own. Dress up, dress down, face painted, in sweats, in full costume - whatever makes you happy and excited to perform!
Performers should arrive with time to park, find a seat, and enjoy the show! Check-in with Reema at the entrance and grab a set of earplugs for everyone in your group. Performers should head to the right side of the stage when there are two performances ahead of them and check in with our stagehands. Students may utilize the warm-up stations located on the right of the stage ahead of their performance. Use the restroom and drink water ahead of your performance! Remember, this is all about having fun and enjoying musicianship! You already rock!
We have a designated chair up front for a parent/friend/family member sit and take photo/video. We ask that once your performer is offstage you please vacate the seat for the next performance. OOTW does not provide video of the event.
We aren’t kidding about grabbing a pair of earplugs, either! Our student drummers are known to rattle the house!
Rules & Requirements:
The #1 Rule - Performers MUST remain present for the duration of their show. Those who arrive late or leave early will not be invited to perform at the next concert. There are no exceptions to this rule. The concert dates are announced at least 3 months in advance and the time requirement is no longer than the standard movie. Please plan accordingly. Every student works incredibly hard to prepare for their performance and every student deserves a full house applauding their efforts. Audience members should also plan to stay for the whole concert. If audience members who are not performers must leave before the end of the concert, they should do so in between songs so as not to disrupt a performance.
Students must be actively enrolled & have maintained enrollment for 90 days or more before the concert date.
Song choice and instrument(s) to be performed MUST be declared at the time of sign-up. Incomplete sign-ups (TBD, ask my teacher, will choose soon, etc.) will be deleted. If students are not fully aware of their song choice, they are not ready to sign up.
Students may choose their song with the following in mind - Songs must be family-friendly and no longer than 4 minutes. If you choose a song that is over 4 minutes, you and your instructor are responsible for making it fit the time limit (including backing tracks when applicable). If this does not happen ahead of time, the audio engineer will fade the song out at 4 minutes.
Tips & Suggestions:
Song Choice! Choose a song that brings you joy! Allow yourself plenty of time to polish your performance. Students should consult with their instructor to choose a song that best showcases their talents and interests.
Prepare & Practice! Set a practice goal for yourself and stick to it! Have mini performances for friends and family before the big show.
Collaborate! Consider asking your peers to participate in your performance!
Backing Tracks! If possible, use a track that does not include the instrument you are performing. For vocal performances, please only use karaoke tracks.
Concert Day! Arrive with time to park, find a seat and enjoy the show! Students may utilize the warm-up stations located on the right of the stage ahead of their performance.
Be an excellent audience member! Performers MUST remain present for the duration of their show. Remember that all performers have worked hard and deserve our full attention. Ask your friends and family to stay for the whole show if possible. If friends and family must leave before the end, please ask them to do so in-between performances so as not to disrupt a young musician’s big moment!